5 Essential Financial Planning Steps for Small Business Success

Financial planning is important in all aspects of life, in the realms of both personal and business. But for small business owners, financial planning may look a little different from the traditional plans your financial advisor will draw up for your personal matters. Continue reading below …

The Basics of Estate Planning: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Having an estate plan established when you pass is of monumental importance, especially to your loved ones. The added insult to injury of watching your assets get tied up in probate after your passing is something nobody wants to deal with.

Common Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid

As we get older and start growing a collection of assets like real estate and financial accounts, our estate grows. As our estate grows, it’s crucial to begin building our estate plan to ensure that our assets will be passed on to our loved ones when we pass away.

Creating a Family Financial Plan

Having a sound financial plan is an important part of life, especially when you have a family to provide for. Starting out in creating your financial plan can be difficult. Continue reading below for some tips in kicking off your family’s financial plan.

Caring for Aging Parents on a Budget: Tips for Family Caregivers

Getting old can be scary and can have a lot of implications for our financial wellbeing. Watching your parents age is no small task, either, and preparing for that transition into their Golden Years is important. Is it possible to set them up for care on a budget? Continue reading below for …

Retirement Savings Tips for Different Stages of Life

Fifty six percent of Americans in the workforce don’t feel they’re where they should be with their retirement savings, according to a study performed by Bankrate.1Being prepared for retirement is important, and financial experts recommend saving as early as possible to ensure you’re prepare …

Choosing the Right Retirement Accounts: IRA vs. 401(k)

There are many things to consider when thinking about retirement. First and foremost, it’s important to choose the right kind of retirement accounts and plan how best to fund your lifestyle after you stop working. Typically, investors have three common types of retirement accounts to choose …

Tax Planning for Life Events: Marriage, Parenthood, and Divorce

Marriage, divorce, and parenthood – what do these things have in common? They all come with a variety of tax implications. One of the most common events following marriage is the consolidation of assets with your partner. Meanwhile, divorce precipitates the splitting of assets. And giving b …

Tax Planning for High-Income Earners: Strategies for the Wealthy

The Internal Revenue Service began accepting tax returns for the year of 2023 on January 29th, officially marking the beginning of tax season. We all know what that means – hoping and wishing for the largest tax refund possible.   For high-income earners, trying to maximize their refund can …

Saving for Your Child’s Future: College Funds, Trusts, and Investments

Raising a child brings many joys, but the cost of doing so has only risen in recent years. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a child born to a middle-income family in 2015 cost approximately $12,980 to $13,900 annually. In 2022, that same child cost $16,007 to $17,141. [1]

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