The Emotional and Financial Impact of Long-Term Care on Families
The idea of long-term care can be scary for many Americans. As we get older, however, it’s an unwelcome necessity for many. The emotional and financial consequences can and may be devastating to those that require coverage and those around them.
The Emotional Journey of Retirement: Coping with Change and Finding Purpose
It’s finally time for retirement, and the feelings you’re experiencing as you prepare for the transition can certainly be bittersweet. All your years of hard work have finally paid off and you’re able to relax – but what now? What do you do all day? How do you fill your time? Will your life …
The Cost of Medicare: Budgeting and Financial Planning
As we near retirement, most people generally sign up for Medicare, a federal health insurance program for people ages 65 or older or younger people with disabilities. As you may have guessed, when you retire you lose access to an employer-sponsored health plan, meaning you’ll want to sign u …
The Impact of Work on Social Security Benefits: How Earnings Affect Your Payments
Social Security benefits and calculating how much you’re going to receive can be difficult to understand at times, but they don’t need to be. For a concise and quick explanation of Social Security benefits, continue reading below.
Creating Multiple Income Streams for Retirement: A DIY Guide
Retiring can be scary. Without work, you won’t be getting that paycheck you’re used to anymore. That can cause some people stress. To compensate for this and to ease your qualms, consider creating and cultivating multiple passive streams of income.
Creating a Retirement Budget: Six Ways to Manage Expenses in Your Golden Years
The idea of budgeting in retirement can be frightening – what if you run out of money? This is a common fear that can be assuaged with a little work. For a short list of how to manage expenses in retirement, continue reading below.
5 Essential Financial Planning Steps for Small Business Success
Financial planning is important in all aspects of life, in the realms of both personal and business. But for small business owners, financial planning may look a little different from the traditional plans your financial advisor will draw up for your personal matters. Continue reading below …
The Basics of Estate Planning: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
Having an estate plan established when you pass is of monumental importance, especially to your loved ones. The added insult to injury of watching your assets get tied up in probate after your passing is something nobody wants to deal with.
Common Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid
As we get older and start growing a collection of assets like real estate and financial accounts, our estate grows. As our estate grows, it’s crucial to begin building our estate plan to ensure that our assets will be passed on to our loved ones when we pass away.
Creating a Family Financial Plan
Having a sound financial plan is an important part of life, especially when you have a family to provide for. Starting out in creating your financial plan can be difficult. Continue reading below for some tips in kicking off your family’s financial plan.